Moore's Law Footnotes

I just wrote an article on Moore's Law (it's not available online yet). I ran long and am using this as a “one-to-many” footnote link:

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Stupid Pen Tricks

In my latest article on Tablet PC programming on DevX, I discuss scaling, reversing, and generally transforming pen data.

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Microsoft's Craven "Neutrality" On Gay Rights

Microsoft's withdrawal of support a Washington state bill aimed at outlawing discrimination based on sexual orientation is utterly foul. Microsoft wants to charge for its software, it wants to dominate markets, it wants people to use a non-tabbed browser -- all things which some have labeled Evil and I said “eh …

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Whidbey Beta 2 Available For Download Now

Clearly, I speak and Microsoft responds. Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 just became available in MSDN subscriber downloads. You're welcome.

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Basically, It's An Uprising

I discuss the VB6 / VB.NET petition in my latest column for SD Times.

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March 46th and Still No Beta...

Eric Rudder: “...even if it's March 38th or 43rd, we will deliver [Whidbey Beta 2] in March....”

I mean, here it is tax day and we're all filled with gloom. Can't anyone do anything to relieve my depression?

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Open Source Clone of VSTS "Inconceivable"? I don't know if that word means what you think it means...

NTeam is a GotDotNet project that aims to integrate, for small- to medium-teals, Open Source alternatives to the features of Microsoft's VSTS. In an EWeek article discussing it, Eric Sink of SourceGear, says that “It is inconceivable that a community project could produce a Team System clone, which is truly …

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Helpful VSTS feature breakdown image

This is a helpful image from Michael Russell. I don't like the fundamental concept of “role-based“ IDEs but it looks like that's what we're going to have:

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Computerworld Developer Survey -- Some Dubious Numbers

The headline in this survey in Computerworld is that C# is the most-used corporate development language, but my eye caught on some other numbers:

22% of respondents said they were developing 64-bit applications. 24% said they were developing wireless applications. Both those numbers are total bull. Both those areas require …

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