John Lam Concedes Fight With Ola Bini

IronRuby Program Manager John Lam regarding JRuby's \<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ola Bini:

LOB: If you and Ola Bini were bungie-chorded into a steel cage supplied with mauls, chainsaws, and a copy of Bentley's "Programming Pearls," which of you would survive?

JL: Well …

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And Scientists Said Invisibility Cloaks Were Years Away...

I assume that this is a joke / conceptual art statement but it does remind me of the thought processes of young nerds that are so failure-prone: "If only I elaborate the logical inconsistency of the bully's statements, he will no longer have the temerity to call me names!" On the …

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Alex, the incredible Gray Parrot, has Died

Via Sue Schmitz comes the sad word that Alex, the amazing Gray Parrot whose cognitive abilities were literally incredible, has died. Supposedly (there I go with the doubt), he had a vocabulary of 150 words, could count recognize quantities up to 6, could identify 50 objects, understood concepts such as …

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O Lazy Web (Nitpicking Subset): Is Visual Studio Ever Absolutely Needed?

Is this a strictly true statement? 

"One can freely download command-line compilers for all Microsoft languages and never use Visual Studio."

Specifically, don't you need VS to develop for Smartphones and / or Windows Mobile?

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Bash Ups

With the release to public beta of Popfly, Microsoft's mashup editor, I'll reiterate my theory that mashups are the UNIX shell of the Internet. The corollary is that we need a suite of command equivalents:

Command Mashup Alternative cd, mkdir, rmdir facilities for manipulating "current URI"; REST principles, etc. mailx …

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F# To Become Product: Very Surprising

I'm tempted to label as "shocking" the announcement that F# will become a product fully integrated into Visual Studio, but I suppose it would be hard for anyone to ignore stuff as compelling as this. F# is a derivative of OCaml and is a functional programming language. Those who delve …

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Cannonball Run 2007

I know I should qualify this with "of course, it's terribly irresponsible. If someone had died, what kind of possible excuse..." etc.

But he didn't kill anyone, so I'll just point to the link:

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X-Wing Rocket Comes Apart At Launch

This must have been bitter-sweet. Sure, you want to get your rocket back, but talk about going out in a blaze of glory...

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Software is Hard

A well-written \<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">reiteration of the premise that complexity is an essential, not accidental, aspect of software construction. [via links for 2007-10-03 Bill de h?ra ]

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Supply & demand? Outsourcing backlash? CS grads average $53K out of school

[C]omputer-science grads saw their average starting salary offers grow by 4.5 percent last year alone. The new average salary for a job right out of college is now \$53,051. That's the highest amount this decade.

Starting salaries surge for computer science grads [Ars Technica]

Interesting. I still …

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