AdSense revenues to disaster relief -- a no brainer

Greg Hughes came up with the idea of donating all AdSense revenue pending at the new year to disaster relief.

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Windows Journal Reader Supplemental Component

Journal Reader Component for Tablet PC SDK 1.7  [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Microsoft Download Center]

Note that the documentation contains samples that read " Dim jntReader As New Microsoft.Ink.JournalReader()" and similar. In fact, you can't construct a JournalReader object, you'll use the static (shared in VB.NET) method …

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COmega and Concurrency: The Next Important Thing


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Because CPU speeds have topped off recently even though I/O speeds continue to increase, Herb Sutter posits that the Moore's Law free performance lunch is over [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Marquee de Sells: Chris's insight outlet]

Concurrency is at the stage …

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Rather Than Post-Christmas Sales, Make A Donation

I've not yet found any links specific to the disaster that's struck around the Indian Ocean, but here is the link to the Red Cross' individual donation page:

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Pynk: Programming the Tablet PC With Python article online

My first article on Pynk, my experimental Python IDE, is up on DevX  The preliminary version of Pynk is available for download and can be used to work interactively with IronPython on the Tablet PC.

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Cleaning a Tablet

What do you clean your Tablet screen with? I have been going with a water-dampened microfiber cloth but as part of my end-of-the-year cleaning spree, I was thinking of going a little stronger. There are no computer stores on the Big Island, so anything I buy gets about a \$10 …

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A Judge Isn't Sure Spam Is Deceptive

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[“At issue, the judge said, is whether the actions rose to the level required by a new anti-spam law, which states that spam must be not only annoying but deceptive.”]{style="; font-family:Verdana"} [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Alice and]

[You can never be sure that a news …

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Guido Contemplates Adding Optional Static Typing to Python

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Optional static typing has long been requested as a Python feature. It's been studied in depth before (e.g. on the type-sig) but has proven too hard for even a PEP to appear. In this post I'm putting together my latest thoughts on some issues, without necessarily hoping to …

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Enabling JavaScript Debugging With Visual Studio

Ah. Within Internet Explorer, you go to "Tools | Internet Options | Advanced" and clear the checkbox for "Disable script debugging." Then, within your JavaScript, you add the statement "debugging;" to activate a breakpoint. This should help things considerably...

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ASP.Net, tag, and Viewstate

I'm stumped. If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate a pointer.

In an ASP.NET page, I'm embedding a Windows Forms control by use of an \<object> tag. My challenge is getting the state of the embedded object during postback, and maintaining / restoring the object after postback. Since the object …

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