mciSendString("Wrong, Joel")

Joel Spolsky's (why hasn't Software Development hired him as a columnist?) Microsoft Lost the API Wars has a series of solid observations and at least one brilliant construction ("Chen v. MSDN"), but I'm afraid his title and conclusion aren't supported by his arguments.

He hoists himself on his own petard …

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Oof I Woke Up This Morning To Find My Inbox Filled With Gotchas My Latest A Hrefhttpwwwsddtimescomcolswinwatch104

Oof! I woke up this morning to find my Inbox filled with "gotchas". My latest SD Times column claims that Microsoft "got the Tablet PC right the first time." Conveniently forgetting PenWindows and WinPad. No way to finesse my way out of this one: just a stupid statement on my …

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Unit Testing in all VS 2005 Versions

I want everyone who agrees with me to blog the following sentence:

Unit Testing support should be included with all versions of Visual Studio 2005 and not just with Team System.

via [ScottWater]

  1. I agree
  2. I think a "blog petition" is pretty damn clever
  3. But what I really want is …
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Ergonomic Tablet PC Holder

These guys have patented a gadget for stabilizing your Tablet PC in an ergonomically correct way. Not in production, and it doesn't look like it holds the Tablet PC in a natural position (it looks like it requires your elbow to be thrust out too far), but I was thinking …

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Faster Blogger! Kill! Kill!

That's it: I've just unsubscribed from Scoble's link blog (headlines from 1400 feeds). Whatever the solution is to post-linking while maintaining credit / click-through, titles are insufficient. Scoble generally posts in batches of several dozen things he finds interesting. I've said before that I'm skeptical of linking without commenting, but even …

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Digitizer Wishes

I had a fascinating lunch with Steve Caldwell (CEO) and Rodney Standage (Major Account Sales) of FinePoint Innovations yesterday....They wanted to know what I thought was important in a Tablet digitizer....They were curious as to what ways people would use tilt information. To them it's not hard supporting …

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Peter Rysavy Sez While Select

Peter Rysavy sez: While selecting with a pen is definitely fast and intuitive, the text editing experience on a tablet is still very lacking. ... only a Microsoft will ultimately bring a decent editing experience to the mass market.

I've investigated writing a Tablet PC editing add-in for Word. Unfortunately, ink-collectors …

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Microsoft Doesn't Hold All The Cards

My latest SD Times column is up.

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My GPS for the .NET Compact Framework articles are up on Intel

I wrote some of the articles in Intel's "mobilized software" series, including one that presents source code for a GPS interface for the .NET Compact Framework. The articles are finally online.

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My Tablet PC UI Article Is Up On Devx

My latest on programming for the Tablet PC is up on DevX. This is part 2 of 3. My next one will be on Tablet PC resources. If you're a Tablet PC developer, where do you turn to for advice and support? Email me: lobrien 'at' (which, by …

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