Hau'oli makahiki hou!

Hoowee! Even with a bad cold, New Year's in Hawaii is a special thing: with July 4th, it is one of 2 days per year that fireworks are legal. I imagine that it's the Asian influence on the society, but for whatever reason, New Year's is much louder than the …

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Chess Champ Banned for Bluetooth-in-the-Ear During a Tournament

According to InformationWeek, Umakant Sharma, seeded 2nd in a tournament in New Delhi, was caught with a Bluetooth headset stitched into a cap that he wore "pulled down over his ears" during competition. According to the All India Chess Federation, accomplices fed him moves from a chess program. He's been …

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My Sister Bought Me A C++ GUI Programming Guide!

Well, more or less...

\<a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect%3fpath%3dASIN/1584503491%26link_code%3das2%26camp%3d1789%26tag%3dthinkinginnet-20%26creative%3d9325"" atomicselection="true">

There's really no way to program XNA, even in 2D modes, without learning HLSL.

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Envy Code R Programming Font Preview Release (Oh, and iTunes sucks)

Damien Guard has released a preview of Envy Code R , a good-looking programming font. At the moment, I think it looks best at higher font-sizes: I would definitely consider this for use in presentations.

Incidentally, the image is from some utility programs I've been writing for iTunes. I got an …

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Mandelbrot Shader: Holy Effing Crap!

Absolute times to calculate a fixed range of the Mandelbrot set:

Machine Concurrency Language Time

Dual-Opteron Singlethreaded C# \~0.81

Dual-Opteron Multithreaded C# \~0.45

Dual-Opteron Singlethreaded C++ \~0.50

Dual-Opteron Multithreaded C++ \~0.38

XBox 360 Singlethreaded C# \~4.4

XBox 360 Multithreaded C# \~2.1

XBox 360\ GPU …

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XNA Multithreading: Must Set Processor Affinity Manually

\<a href="http://www.knowing.net/images/XNAMultithreadingMustSetProcessorAffinit_7800/image011.png"" atomicselection="true">

Ah, that's more like it. This is a graph of duration (in seconds) versus the number of threads during a calculation of a Mandelbrot set using the XNA Framework on the XBox 360 (Neil: The previous graph …

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Office 12 Excel Graphing Bug: Axis Label Not Copied On Cut-And-Paste

Properly chastised by Neil Bartlett for not labeling my Y Axis on a graph, I added such a title to my next attempt. I then cut-and-pasted that image, which resulted in this being pasted into my blog editor:

And yet, I had already typed the Axis Title, as this screen …

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XNA Multithreading: Built On A Throne of Lies?

UPDATE: See this new post ~~It looks like XNA does not distribute processing across the multiple cores of the 360:~~

This is identical code (a Mandelbrot calculation of a fixed size) running with multiple threads. While my desktop machine speeds up with more threads (peaking at 3), the XBox 360 …

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My First XNA Program: Up And Running on the 360

Sweet. Stay tuned for performance benchmarks, concurrency and GPGPU programming experiments on the 360, and maybe even some games...Maybe even a domain-specific language for writing board games.

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19-Year-Old Creates ANTLR Studio For Eclipse: I Think We'll Be Hearing From This Kid

As far as I can tell, the only mistake he made is charging way too little (\$19.99) and admitting his age. Other than that, ANTLR Studio for Eclipse looks professional as all get-out.

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