This Months Java Developers Journal Takes It Up A Notch In Terms Of Betraying The Best Service To The Readers For Adverti

This month's Java Developer's Journal "takes it up a notch" in terms of betraying the best service to the readers for advertising bucks. For awhile, JDJ has been selling portions of its cover space to advertisers, imitating the snap-off "belly band" that costs a little more but doesn't actually interfere …

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Ink blogging with text recognition. Metaweblog API. App & code coming soon...

Ink blogging with text recognition. Metaweblog API. App & code coming soon...

Blogged on a Tablet PC

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Has Anyone Programmed Radio Userland Using C Or VBNET I Dont Want To Get Involved In Religious Wars About Blogging APIs

Has anyone programmed Radio Userland using C# or VB.NET? I don't want to get involved in religious wars about blogging APIs, all I want is an example that shows how to create a blog post using .NET objects like HttpWebRequests. My first attempt just timed out and Google isn't …

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Oh By The Way Can I Suggest A Lets Bash ClassAction Lawsuits Day I Just Received Some Notices From The CaliforniaMicrosoft

Oh, by the way, can I suggest a Let's Bash Class-Action Lawsuits Day? I just received some notices from the California-Microsoft settlement: \\(1.1 ***billion** dollars*?, *gee, maybe I'll get some real money... let's see...* \\)16 for each Windows or MS-DOS operating system, \\(29 for each Office... *oh, and if …

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Philip Greenspun Had Lets Bash Microsoft Day Over The Weekend An

Philip Greenspun had Let's Bash Microsoft Day over the weekend and I couldn't resist Scoble-baiting. Sure enough, Scoble defended the Outlook / VBA security model: "'s impossible to double-click on executables in Outlook 2003, so the chances you'd get a virus now are very small...." Oh dear, now I am worried …

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I Love The Internet I Just Spent The Past Oh Lets See 122 Trying To Figure Outnbspwhy The OK Button In My NET CF Progr

I love the Internet. I just spent the past, oh let's see, 1:22 trying to figure out why the "OK" Button in my .NET CF program disappears when I recycle a dialog a bunch of times. So finally I Google for the problem and, boom!, I discover that it's …

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Alternate Programming Languages For NET Got Approved As A BOF Gathering At The PDC Since Ill Be The Host I Guess Now I

"Alternate Programming Languages for .NET" got approved as a BOF gathering at the PDC! Since I'll be the host, I guess now I really do need to get a room...

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Is There Inkrecognition Relevance To The Rsereach At An Eling

Is there ink-recognition relevance to the rsereach at an Elingsh uinervtisy, taht seowhd it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are? Should word recognizers try to exploit a similar strategy, concentrating on recognizing the initial and ending strokes of an ink group, the length of the …

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Your Tax Dollars At Work The Latest PC Magazine Reports Researchers At The US Department Of Energys Idaho National Engin

Your tax dollars at work: the latest PC Magazine reports "Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory have developed software that can detect extremely tiny differences -- smaller than a fraction of a pixel -- between two digital images...."

Update: PC Mag's description is wildly …

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All The Tablet Bloggers Are Pitching In Ideas For Microsofts Internal Power Toys Competition Its So Easy To Think

All the Tablet bloggers are pitching in ideas for Microsoft's internal Power Toys competition (it's so easy to think of software). Loren's suggested a "snap on dwell" tool and Peter a "pen scrolling tool." So my suggestion is that if you can't pull off a fully customizable and skinnable tablet …

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