Intel Research Has Released An Open Source Machine Learning Toolkit Base

Intel Research has released an Open Source Machine Learning toolkit based on Bayesian learning. (Hmmm... at the moment, they don't seem to have deployed any... oh, what is the word? ... files.)

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I Promised Myself Id Let My Cold Burn Itself Out By Taking A Day Off And Making A 2003 Highlights Home Video For The Family

I promised myself I'd let my cold burn itself out by taking a day off and making a "2003 highlights" home video for the family. Instead, I ended up writing an application that allows you to create Premiere batch capture lists on your Tablet PC. I can't believe there's another …

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Keith Pleas Has Wondered About What Language Features C

Keith Pleas has wondered about what language features could be put in Visual Basic .NET that would differentiate it from C# (as opposed to tool features such as Edit-and-Continue). My suggestion would be rules. If C# can become Scheme, why can't VB.NET become Prolog?

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Dare Obasanjo Sez

Dare Obasanjo sez "...Based on my experiences working with syndication software as a hobbyist developer for the past year is that the ATOM syndication format does not offer much (if anything) over RSS 2.0 but that the ATOM API looks to be a significant step forward compared to previous …

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RSS Feed Irritations

Please, please, please, provide away to aggregate the whole text of the post ?

Some folks (like Tim) have no control as something else does the RSS. Some folks (like Martin) provide the whole text. But some folks only provide an "excerpt" (cant think of an example offhand) and others (Keith …

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Floating Point Arithmetic

The canonical discussion of FP arithmetic (for this audience, at least) is a 1991 paper by David Goldberg titled "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic" via [Eric Gunnerson's C# Compendium]

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PacMan And Space Invaders As Excel Spreadsheets Wow And I Was Proud Of Doi

PacMan and Space Invaders as Excel spreadsheets. Wow, and I was proud of doing Conway's Life in Lotus 1-2-3 and CoreWars in Paradox.

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I Wrote The Following Radio Userland Macro So That I Can Put Blog Entries In Different Categories Into Different Places On A

I wrote the following Radio Userland macro so that I can put blog entries in different categories into different places on a page. So, for instance, blog entries in the category "Published" are what generate the "Recent Writing" list here on the right. It may be that there's some built-in …

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A Perfect Demo

A Perfect Demo

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Is InfoPath The New Excel

Is InfoPath the New Excel?

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