SD Times Has Posted Mynbspbrief Review Of C Refactory And IDEA

SD Times has posted my brief review of C# Refactory and IDEA. Even briefer review: C# Refactory is good, but IDEA is the best language-specific IDE ever. I'm willing to state that it's even better than Smalltalk/V ever was!

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Borland Sidewinder To Be Just A C IDE Screenshots Here Are Some Screens

Borland Sidewinder to be "just" a C# IDE? Screenshots. Here are some screenshots of Borland's Sidewinder tool for C#, which I thought was going to integrate TogetherSoft Control Center. No sign of that in these screenshots. Enough! I'll actually...gasp... call them before posting further speculation. Stay tuned!

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Open Source Code Better Than Commercial Quality According To A Study By Reasoning Software Heres

Open Source code better than commercial quality.

According to a study by Reasoning software (here's a link, but it's down at the moment), Linux' 2.4.19 implementation of the TCP/IP stack ran around .1 defect per 1,000 lines of code (which we'll assume means executable semi-colons), compared …

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FridayFive 1 What Is Your Most Prized Material PossessionSTRONG


1. What is your most prized material possession?

My wedding ring. (Awww...)

2. What item, that you currently own, have you had the longest?

Hmmm... I have the first release of the "Star Wars" soundtrack, (c) 1977. Since I only listened to it about three times (in 1977), it's …

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Microsoft And The Corporate Market E

Microsoft and the corporate market. There are three 'platforms' for building corporate applications today: J2EE, Microsoft.NET and the 'Open Source' platform. In the later I also include Java software that is not J2EE like Struts, WebWork, Hibernate, Castor....a big oil company and an airline company. Both have J2EE …

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Microsoft Has Filed Broad A Hrefhttpappft1usptogovnetacginphParserSect1PTO1ampSect2HITOFFampdPG01ampp1

Microsoft has filed broad patents covering the .NET API. It appears that they are attempting to patent the relationships between namespaces (client programming versus XML manipulation versus network transport, etc.). At this broad level, the patent should be rejected on the basis that the particular separation of concerns noted is …

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IMG Height90 AltWhich OS Are You SrchttpwwwbbspotcomImages

Which OS are You?
Which OS are You?

Yes.... my first personal computer was this close (fingers teeny bit apart) to being an Amiga. Instead I bought an XT-compatible with Hercules graphics.

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Borland Sidewinder To Be C Designanddevelopment Tool Accord

Borland "Sidewinder" to be C# design-and-development tool. According to this CNet article, Borland's first .NET product will be C#-specific. As I surmised last week, this appears to be the next generation of Together Control Center.

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Borland Together To Go NET While Reiterating Its Commitment

Borland Together to go .NET: While reiterating its commitment to Java, Linux, and the general concept of cross-platform-ness, according to this article, Borland appears to have unveiled the first tool in its .NET strategy (they'd already made the general commitment to support .NET). Although no details are yet …

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Casey Chesnut Has Written A Client For The Pocket PC

Casey Chesnut has written a client for the Pocket PC Phone Edition that records your voice, shoots it off to a .NET Web Service running a speech recognition engine, and returns the results to your client. The best use of this is certainly for constrained input, not continuous speech recognition …

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