HP Makes $2.5B in Linux-Based Revenue

... this reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend a few days ago in which he asked if I knew of a company that provided technical support for LAMP-based small businesses. "Don't know of any," I said, dollar signs appearing in my eyes. (Which relates to my suspicion …

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Azureus And Sun's Big Mistake.

...It's a common theory that the reason that Apple isn't where Microsoft is today is because of their refusal to license the MacOS during the mid 80s....Sun's refusal to embrace native client side widgets is what allowed Microsoft to catch up to where Java is now with .Net....via …

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The Big 0x28

On my 30th birthday, I left Tina, whose hair was just beginning to grow back from her bone-marrow transplant, at 7:15 in the morning to commute into San Francisco to a job I'd get back from at 6:30 at night. On my 40th birthday, Tina and I went …

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Language Divergence In Whidbey

Language divergence in Whidbey

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Language Divergence In Whidbey My Latest Column For SDTimes

Language Divergence in Whidbey -- my latest column for SDTimes

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Types, leaky abstractions, and the best book on ASP.NET for pragmatic programmers

Don Box, in a comment, clarified that it's "that having to define a new type just to write a program [is] the daunting part," for casual programmers. Absolutely. There's a certain amount of bookkeeping that takes the casual programmer out of the task-solving "flow." This is a perfectly legitimate beef …

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Nobody expects the object-oriented inquisition!

Danny Boyd has written an open letter to Microsoft challenging them on the subject of scripting languages. More specifically, he worries about the "need to produce simple, procedural, functional web-based database applications. I'm talking here about HTML forms that post or retrieve data for editing."

Don Box, where I got …

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Lonestar, the alpha version of the forthcoming update to the Tablet PC OS, is amazing

I normally like to be quite specific when reviewing software, and I'm still under NDA regarding Lonestar, but I can make some general comments safely: the handwriting recognition in Lonestar is transforming the way I write. It's a combination of three things: dramatic improvements in handwriting recognition (I doubt many …

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Visual Studio .NET 2003 Automation Samples

These code samples show you how to build VSMacros projects, add–ins, and wizards to make your teams more productive and to bend Visual Studio .NET 2003 to the ways you like to work. via [Microsoft Download Center]

The download is all well and good, but what I love is …

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Smart Display is dead

Way back in October of 2002 we predicted that Smart Display, Microsoft's operating system for wireless monitor that can detach and double as dumb tablets,... via [Gizmodo]

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