Does Your Language Shape How You Think? -

Does Your Language Shape How You Think? -

Good article on a question that is always of interest in programming language circles. The modern take, apparently, is "“Languages differ essentially in what they must convey and not in what they may convey.”

The obvious example would be that in …

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Today's XKCD

I hope this bodes well for a job I'm interviewing for this week...

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-29

  • Concurrency is hard: Multiday Chinese traffic jam continues #
  • There was a blog post not long ago saying like "MS is not a single company, but a marketing company for 100 companies" Anyone have link? #
  • The "Netduino" an Arduino-pin-compatible shield programmable …
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100' Club

‘Not feeling it. Lungs not as full as they should be -- already feeling funky. Caught my fins at the surface for a sec. Bail out now and try again.’

These are my thoughts as I approach the first bleach bottle. I am upside down, pulling myself hand-by-hand down a rope …

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-22

  • Disk Utility cannot fix my Mac boot drive. Time to find out how good Time Machine is... #
  • Looks like my Mac crashes were due to the RAM boards having worked loose. Lost a day's work and another day fixing it, but all-in-all happy #
  • The Sounds of Sorting …
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-15

  • Holy crap! 2 weeks I'm on vacation and someone proves P != NP? #
  • Wikipedia doesn't have a page for "replica symmetry breaking." Dang. Other than that, I would TOTALLY follow the P != NP paper. #
  • P != NP AND "Rubik's Cube requires 20 moves" http …
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Possible Proof of P != NP

I’m not sure that this one will break into the public consciousness, but Vinay Deolalikar of HP may have proved one of the major challenges in complexity theory, that P != NP. In addition to being a great intellectual success, this particular problem has very big practical implications. Luckily, though …

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-08

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-01

  • United airlines phone-based support for missing bags: blatant lies by policy or personal initiative? Sachim Malik and others. #ual #
  • RIP Loren Heiny, a familiar name in the Tablet PC community. #
  • Just scored box seats to Neil Young tonight! \o/ #
  • At Muddy Buddy Chicago. Sitting in air conditioned Lincoln Town Car …
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