IronPython Doesnt Yet Use Lightweight Code Generation A Forthcoming Facility In The Whidbey CLR But A Hrefhttpweb

IronPython doesn't (yet?) use lightweight code generation, a forthcoming facility in the Whidbey CLR, but Joel Pobar shows "Hello, World" using LCG.

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Jim Hugunin Has Posted A Paper On IronPython

Jim Hugunin has posted a paper on IronPython, a fast Python implementation for .NET. This has triggered a cascade of posts.

The money quote: "[A]s I carried out my experiments I found the CLR to be a surprisingly good target for dynamic languages...."

More: "High system performance is the …

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Apple announce iTeach tutoring software

No, not really. That's just April 1st shorthand for my point.

Peter suggests an interactive drawing tutor as a great application for the TabletPC, a more dignified concept than my "Draw Draw Revolution" game. He suggests text and a voice-over, simple animation, some way of evaluating the learner's input, etc …

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P.J. Plauger lauded in Dr. Dobb's

P.J. Plauger was awarded Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award. He richly deserves it. There's his tremendous contribution to the C and C++ standardization projects, but I personally feel that his Programming on Purpose column for Computer Language was simply the best programming column ever written. It's the reason …

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Note to PR: Don't Send Word Docs

I receive a lot of press releases via email. Here's a note to PR people: I'm probably not the only writer/editor in the world who doesn't casually open Word documents sent via email. I know that you write the press releases in Word and it makes them look prettier …

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A Pox Upon You, Object-Based Collection Classes!

Argh! I am writing an article for publication and need some eye-candy for the application. I was going to use my Amazon product-similarity graphing tool but I just realized that I use C# 2.0 generics throughout! The thought of bowdlerizing it to use object-based collections is ... just ... repugnant. But …

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Action Comics #1 scanned and posted

Someone's posted the whole of June, 1938's Action Comics #1 (including the first funnybook appearance of Superman) to the web as a series of medium-resolution scans. Link (Thanks, Eyes Spies and Lies!)) via [Boing Boing]

I've never been much of a comic book fan, but this is pretty darn great …
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Embedded Software Development Conference

BZ Media, the clever folk who publish SD Times, have just announced a new conference dedicated to embedded software development. Sayeth the release: "The Embedded Software Development Conference (ESDC) is the only independent, cross-platform conference completely focused on the educational needs of embedded, mobile and wireless developers. The event will …

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Thanks for the TIP!

I uninstalled XPSP2, uninstalled the Lonestar alpha, reinstalled XPSP2 and my TIP came back. Amusingly, I found this by Googling a discussion board from a few months ago where the person asking the question was breaking NDA and a Microsoft representative was very politely, but very insistently, posting "This isn't …

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Tablet XPSP2 -- Disappearing TIP?

Any other Tablet PC users lose access to the TIP after installing XPSP2? I've already filed a report with Microsoft. I don't even see the keyboard TIP during user login.

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